Sacred Offerings

Each service is designed to let you experience and create long-lasting wellness in your life by re-aligning with your truest nature.

Whether you're seeking to elevate your space, deepen the connection with your most authentic self, or embark on a journey of self-discovery, you’ll be supported every step of the way, following the unique guidance of your energy.


We give meaning to all the Temples (body, home, workspace, hotel, restaurant, you name it) in an act of choice that starts from emotions and untangles complexities, creating spaces and well-being practices from the design of the people who inhabit them.

All the projects and practices originate from the understanding of how the spaces where we live are intertwined in influencing our sense of well-being and how the external conditions can support - or hinder - particular behaviors and emotions affecting the inner environment on various levels.

It may seem woo-woo, but it’s quantum physics. Or the two combined together, depending on what you believe in. 

Here you’ll make the experience of following the guidance of your unique energetic profile through contemporary and ancient modalities like the Human Design System and The Five Elements Principles, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga and other healing practices.

If you’re looking for the design of the Outer Temple, we’ll add the knowledge of Feng Shui and Vastu as well as vernacular and traditional architecture, since they all apply to the energy of the space in the same way as the other techniques apply to the energy of the body. 


If you’re looking to host serene retreats, transformative workshops or to welcome your guest with a zing plus in your space, this offering gives you the perfect support through the blend of human energetic wisdom and the understanding of contemporary necessities, supported by the gifts of the location.

Each experience is designed to awaken the senses, expand the consciousness and ensure well-being for memorable moments in tune with the specific needs of your guests. It combines my sensitivity for spaces with my experience as yoga retreat host and the life in the wings of the hospitality field.
I saw how the show goes on scene from every angle.